Ben O'Loughlin has published a new column on the LSE's European Politics and Policy blog in which he explores how the EU is perceived in Asia - specifically in China, India, Japan and South Korea. His research shows a possible problem of mis-recognition for the EU. First, while the EU tells a story of itself as a region that has risen from the ashes of world wars to build a peaceful neighbourhood, many Asian elites still view the EU as a source of war or conflict. Second, the EU's hybrid, multi-level organisational form simply does not fit Asian elites' instinctive image of how power works in international relations. They see a world of states, even if in practice they too work through regional and multilateral architectures. The findings point to the importance of studying reception of images and narratives in IR. Read the column here.
Does the EU have an image problem even with allies? New O'Loughlin piece
How is the EU perceived by the rest of the world? (Image: Wikimedia)