#SocMediaAME: O'Loughlin on keynote panel at Social Media Analysis workshop, Glasgow 25 April

The University of Glasgow will host a workshop on Friday 25 April 2014 on the theme Social Media Analysis: Methods and Ethics. The NPCU's Ben O'Loughlin is part of the keynote panel and will look at the role of media analytics in elections, looking back to the UK 2010 election and ahead to 2015.

If you are in Glasgow, do come along. Register for free here.

Keynote panel, 2.25pm:

Mike Thelwall Twitter Analysis for the Social Sciences and Humanities

Ben O'Loughlin Semantic Polling: The 2010 UK General Election and the Ethics of Social Media Monitoring

Louis Reynolds Application of the ESRC's principles of ethical research to the evolution of social media analytics tool

Francesco D'Orazio Making Sense of Social Data

Andy Miah Mobile Media & Morality: Cultivating Ethical Practice in Social Media Research

Thanks to Stevie Docherty and Giuliana Tiripelli for organising the event.