20 June: Akil Awan to speak on 'Drivers of Violent Extremism & Radicalisation Online' at Workshop organised by GPSG/PSA & the Politics & Media Research Group at Bournemouth University.

Dr Akil Awan will be speaking this week at a workshop on 'Political Violence and Extremism in Greece and in Europe' organised by The Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) of the Political Studies Association (PSA) in conjunction with the Politics & Media Research Group at Bournemouth University.

Akil will be presenting a keynote on 'Radicalisation Online', where he will discuss his work on the role of the Internet and Social Media on the growth of violent extremism. He will be exploring the problematic linkage between words online and actions offline, as well as addressing the simplistic and false dichotomy of the virtual and real world that such discussions are often predicated on. He will also take part in a round-table discussion on the 'Drivers of violent extremism'.

Workshop of the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) of the Political Studies Association (PSA) in association with the Politics & Media Research Group at Bournemouth University.

Political Violence and Extremism in Greece and in Europe

Date: Friday 20 june 2014, 09:300–18:00

Canada Water Library

Programme here