Social Media and Democracy - Parliament event today

Ben O'Loughlin is speaking at a Democracy Forum seminar in Parliament on the topic ‘The impact of social media on democracy’ today, Thursday 16 October 2014, at 2-5pm. Details below, including how to attend. 


Sir Peter Luff, MP and Chairman of The Democracy Forum


Carl Miller, DEMOS

Dr Veronica Barassi, Centre for the Study of Global Media and Democracy

(CSGMD), Goldsmiths College

Dr Nick Anstead, Dept of Media & Communications, London School of Economics

Professor Ben O’Loughlin, New Political Communication Unit,

Royal Holloway, University of London


Committee Room 16, Committee Corridor

House of Commons

London SW1A 0AA

(Nearest tube station: Westminster)


Tel: 020-7409-5113