New Doctoral School to be launched by NPCU PhDs this week with: Insurgent Politics!

The inaugural public event of Royal Holloway's new cross-faculty Doctoral School will be held on Wednesday 22nd October. The event, Insurgent Politics, will see provocative talks from PhD students at the New Political Communication Unit in the Department of Politics and International Relations. All three PhDs came through our masters programme and show the vitality of our postgraduate research. This is the first in a series of PhD Conversation events that roll out in the coming year. 

Where? International Building room 007

When? 1pm-2pm, 22nd October

Ours is a time of widespread and sustained challenge to the rules of “politics-as-usual”. In Western Europe and North America, recent months have seen political insurgencies of widely varying styles and ideological hues confronting and in some cases overturning conventional wisdom about how democratic political movements work; challenging received assumptions of the purpose and style of political discourse; and asking fundamental questions of prevailing political orthodoxies and the boundaries they set to public debates, above all on economic austerity. The popular responses they have provoked, especially though by no means exclusively amongst the supposedly apolitical younger generations in the advanced democracies, have confounded reduced expectations about the possibilities of populist political mobilisation in an age of widespread disaffection with political establishments and elites. Syriza in Greece; Podemos in Spain; the SNP tsunami in Scotland; UK Uncut, the E15 and other housing protests, and Russell Brand; “Corbynmania”; Bernie Sanders’ unexpectedly strong challenge for the Democratic primary nomination; on the political right, even Donald Trump (and before him the Tea Party), are all manifestations.

What do these trends mean? What do these diverse movements have in common? How have these insurgencies come about and how do they work? What is their relationship to conventional electoral politics? Will they fade as quickly as they arose? Can new social media sustain and built long-term popular political movements or are they vulnerable to the whims of an amnesiac digital culture? Will political establishments be able to rebuff the challenge of the outsiders, or even to absorb their energies into mainstream politics? What does political leadership look like in this new era?

To address these and other topics we have assembled a panel of current PGR students in the Department of Politics and International Relations:

Ibrahim Halawi is a second year PhD candidate supervised by Sandra Halperin and Akil Awan. His research focuses on the relationship between revolution and counter-revolution with particular interest in the case of the Arab Spring.

Declan McDowell-Naylor is a second year PhD student supervised by Andy Chadwick and Ben O'Loughlin. His research focuses on the development and relationship of ethics, technology and politics.

Ellen Watts is a second year PhD candidate in the New Political Communication Unit, supervised by Andy Chadwick and Ben O'Loughlin. Her research focuses on the interventions of celebrities in British politics.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Professor Barry Langford, Associate Dean, Royal Holloway Doctoral School. All are very welcome.  

October 20: Talk by Vaccari, Chadwick and O'Loughlin: Dual Screening the Political: Media Events, Social Media, and Political Engagement

On October 20, Newpolcom researchers Cristian Vaccari, Andrew Chadwick, and Ben O'Loughlin are presenting new work from their ongoing project on dual screening and political engagement.

Dual Screening the Political: Media Events, Social Media, and Political Engagement

Dual screening—the complex bundle of practices that involve integrating, and switching across and between, live broadcast media and social media—is now routine for many citizens during important political media events. But do these practices shape political engagement, and if so, why? We devised a unique research design combining a large-scale Twitter dataset and a custom-built panel survey focusing on the broadcast party leaders’ debates held during the 2014 European Parliament elections in the United Kingdom. We find that relatively active, “lean-forward” practices, such as commenting live on social media as the debate unfolded, and engaging with conversations via Twitter hashtags, have the strongest and most consistent positive associations with political engagement.

Founders MAIN LECTURE THEATRE at 5.15. All welcome.

The article on which this talk is based will be out in the Journal of Communication soon.


Awan to speak at Council of Europe in Strasbourg on Freedom of Expression, Terrorism & Democracy

Next week Akil Awan will be addressing the Council of Europe's conference on Freedom of Expression: still a precondition for democracy? 

The high profile event will bring together top judges, government officials, activists and academics - some 300 participants in total - to address current challenges to freedom of expression, and will be held in the Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg, on 13-14 October.

The event is open to the media and will assess serious ramifications to free expression from such recent events as the brutal assault against Charlie Hebdo journalists in Paris in January. The conference will assess the extent to which Europe may be sliding towards criminalising free expression, when dealing with hate speech, and will consider how to fight terrorism whilst respecting free expression online – and what implications mass surveillance has for free expression.

During the Conference, three key topics will be discussed:

  • Freedom of expression as a fundamental value of democracy
  • Challenges to freedom of expression posed by the Internet
  • The role of the European Convention on Human Rights

Akil will be speaking on the following topics in Session 3 - The fight against terrorism: are we all potential suspects?

  • How can the fight against terrorism be maintained having due regard to freedom of expression?
  • Foreseeability of laws relating to condoning terrorism, incitement to violence and radicalisation via the Internet: what is the situation in Europe?
  • Legitimacy of measures: what democratic monitoring arrangements?
  • What role should the European Court of Human Rights play in the European legal area?

Moderator: Ms Elfa Ýr Gylfadóttir, Director of the Media Commission, Iceland

Dr Akil Awan, Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Modern History, Political Violence & Terrorism, Royal Holloway, University of London
Mr Nicolas Hervieu, Lawyer in Public Law at Paris-Ouest and Pantheon-Assas Universities
Mr David Banisar, Senior Legal Counsel, Article 19
Mr Stéphane Duguin, Head of the European Internet Referral Unit (EU IRU), Europol
Rapporteur: Mr Darian Pavli, Adviser, Special Parliamentary Committee on Justice Reform, Parliament of Albania

The full programme is available here

ISA Pre-conference on Communication, Peace and Security CfP: 16 Oct deadline

Please see details below of a special one-day conference before the 2016 ISA Annual Conference, organized by the International Communication Section of ISA:

Conference Title: Communication, Peace and Security in the 21st Century

Date: March 15, 2016
Location: Atlanta GA, USA

Abstract deadline: October 16, 2015

Two overlapping trends highlight the first decade and a half of the 21st Century: information abundance and the growing ubiquity of mobile communication devices. While it is often claimed that these developments have facilitated political uprisings and revolutions, there is much debate over whether they have increased the world’s peace and security.  This conference explores this important question at the international, state and individual levels.

Confirmed speakers: Professors Robert Entman, Steven Livingston and Phillip Seib.

Submission instructions:

Panel and paper submission welcome.
Please submit the following information in your submission:

1) Panel or paper title
2) Name of participant(s), institutional affiliation(s) and email(s)
3) Abstract (300-word limit)

Submission should be sent by email to

Registration is free for ICOMM section members.
Conference acceptances, full program and registration information will be sent out October 30th.
Please send any questions to

O'Loughlin to speak on surveillance at King's College London today

Today Ben O'Loughlin will speak at a workshop at King's College London, Visible Mediations of Transparency: Changing Norms & Practices. The hosts for this seminar are Dr Clare Birchall and Dr. Vian Bakir.This is the fourth of six seminars in the ESRC-funded DATA-PSST! seminar series. The programme is here. For those in the area it is not too late to join: 10 September 2015, 10am to 5pm Somerset House East Wing, SW1.09, King’s College London, The Strand.

Ben's position paper is based on work he is conducting with Andrew Hoskins on The Right Not to Know. An abstract is here:

Andrew Hoskins and I argue that the convergence of two shifts, one in the connective politics of conflict and catastrophe, the other in the connectivity of self, together generate the impossibility of claiming ignorance. A few weeks ago an open letter from a Syrian village was posted on Twitter in English: "[The] Assad regime is killing us and destroying our city. You are all responsible for our death. Your silence is keeping him strong”. Crisis mapping, satellite surveillance, citizen and professional news reporting, NGO reporting: the Syrian villagers assume we see and we know. Surveillance and sousveillance are conditions of this impossibility of ignorance. This impossibility is a defining challenge of the digital age partly because it manifests itself across the levels of real world politics, culture, technology and self – an entire ecology of knowing – that are often seen and treated as disconnected (and thus hived off for abstract enquiry). This is not the same as the right to be forgotten or the right to connect. A response requires something greater than the sum of these parts, hence we are asking what would a right not to know – notably a right that was not required of earlier media ecologies – look like?

O'Loughlin talking #trolls @NATO dialogue Perception Matters, Riga #RigaStratCom

Ben O'Loughlin will speak this week at the Riga Stratcom Dialogue: Perception Matters, held on August 20th-21st in Riga, Latvia. He will discuss a project led by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs called 'Social Media as a weapon in the context of hybrid warfare'. In particular, Ben will discuss NATO members' efforts to identify and counter Russia's 'troll army' in the ongoing contest for public opinion in the region. Ben's work on global media events and Latvia's strategic communication researchers have both identified 'hybrid trolling' as an important feature of today's communication environment, but it may be that they draw very different conclusions from their studies.

Other speakers include the President of Latvia, Raimonds Vējonis, and the Prime Minister, Laimdota Straujuma, NATO's Deputy Assistant Secretary General James Appathurai, former BBC World presenter Nik Gowing, and numerous military policymakers in the area of strategic communications.

Awan to address the United Nations Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security in Amman

This week, Dr Akil Awan will be addressing the United Nations Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security, and will be hosted by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan under the Patronage of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II.The high profile event is envisaged to be the first gathering of this kind in history, signifying an important turning point towards a new international agenda on youth, peace and security.
Dr Awan has been invited as one of the expert voices to speak on his research on young people, radicalization and political violence, and the work he has conducted with the United Nations on youth political engagement more broadly, to help shed light on the issues that will help frame the new agenda and roadmap during the forum.
Stemming from the thematic debate organized by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during its presidency of the UN Security Council in April 2015, it will build on on-going efforts to decisively step-up global attention to young people’s contribution to peace and chart a common agenda.
Today’s generation of young people (10-24 year old), at 1.8 billion, is the largest the world has ever known. The growth in youth population is particularly prominent in developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and in the Arab States. While a predominantly young population offers a country an unprecedented opportunity for innovation, development and economic growth, today’s young people live with a growing threat and reality of violence and armed conflict.
Often, policy decisions relating to young people completely ignore their voices and instead seek to either see young people as ‘the problem’, or propose solutions on their behalf. In a bold and laudable move, the UN Global Forum has chosen to instead see young people as a crucial untapped resource for peace and security. The forum will invite over 500 delegates, representing young people, youth-led organizations, non-governmental organizations, governments and UN entities, to come together to agree on a common vision and roadmap, in order to partner with young people globally.
The outcome of the 2 day forum will be the signing of the “Amman Declaration on Youth, Peace and Security”, which will present young people’s vision and roadmap towards a strengthened policy framework in support of young people’s roles in preventing and transforming conflict, countering violent extremism and building lasting peace. Crucially, the Amman Declaration will be entirely developed by young people, and will be used in the months following the Forum to engage high-level decision-makers towards the adoption of a new international framework.
The Forum will also see the launch of a global multimedia and communication campaign (#youth4peace) aimed at highlighting the important efforts of young people who are shaping their communities constructively despite the violence and risks they face; creating a space for youth to share opinions on the role of youth in countering violent extremism and promoting peace; and curating an online global conversation on the role of youth in peacebuilding conflict transformation and countering violent extremism.
Follow the Forum on social media with #AmmanDeclaration and #Youth4Peace

Hoskins and O'Loughlin new in iCS: Arrested War: The Third Phase of Mediatization

The 'little green men' Russia sent to Ukraine - part of new games of visibility that mark Arrested War. Image from France24.Andrew Hoskins and Ben O'Loughlin have published a new article in the journal Information, Communication & Society entitled Arrested War: The Third Phase of Mediatization. Please find the abstract below. The authors wish to thank Brian Loader and Holly Steel for publishing the article.


After Broadcast War and Diffused War comes Arrested War, the latest paradigm of war and media. Each paradigm coincides with a discrete phase of mediatization. This article explains how war and media operated during each phase, describing the key characteristics of war, the form and nature of the prevailing media ecology, and how power was exercised by and distributed within government, military, and media elites. Following the sense of flux and uncertainty during the second phase of mediatization, when digital content and non-linear communication dynamics generated Diffused War, Arrested War is characterized by the appropriation and control of previously chaotic dynamics by mainstream media and, at a slower pace, government and military policy-makers. We use the ongoing Ukraine crisis to examine Arrested War in operation. In setting out a new paradigm of war and media, we also reflect on the difficulties of periodizing and historicizing these themes and ask what theoretical and conceptual tools are likely to be needed to understand and explain Arrested War.

Two new articles on Italy's Five Star Movement coauthored by Vaccari

New Political Communication Unit researcher Cristian Vaccari has two book chapters out, coauthored with Lorenzo Mosca (Scuola Normale Superiore) and Augusto Valeriani (University of Bologna) examining the role and use of digital media by Italy's Five Star Movement, a new political party that took Italian politics by storm by coming second in both the 2013 general elections and the 2014 European Parliament elections.

The first contribution is part of a book edited by Filippo Tronconi (University of Bologna) and titled Beppe Grillo's Five Star Movement: Organisation, Communication and Ideology, published by Ashgate. The chapter by Mosca, Vaccari and Valeriani examines the role of digital media for the Five Star Movement as a tool for organization, communication, and identity-building.

The second chapter is part of a book edited by Andrea De Petris (LUISS University) and Thomas Poguntke (University of Dusseldorf) and titled Anti-Party Parties in Germany and Italy: Protest Movements and Parliamentary Democracy, published by LUISS University Press. The chpater coauthored by Mosca, Vaccari and Valeriani focuses in particular on the first-in-their-kind online primaires that the Five Star Movement organized to select its candidates for the 2013 parliamentary elections.