On Tuesday 19th May Akil Awan will be speaking at the L'après Charlie – Reflecting on Freedom(s), Religion, and Security conference hosted by the School of Public Policy at Central European University, Budapest. Akil will address media freedoms, security, and religious identities in the post-Charlie Hebdo context.

- 9.15 – 9.30 Welcoming Remarks
H. E. Mr. Roland Galharague (Ambassador of France to Hungary)
John Shattuck (President and Rector, Professor, Central European University)
Marie-Pierre Granger (Associate Professor, Department of Public Policy, Central European University)
- 9.30 – 11.15 Discussion Panel 1. Freedom of expression: what to say or not to say?
Moderator: Mathias Möschel (Associate Professor, Department of Legal Studies, Central European University)
Stephanie Hennette-Vauchez (Professor, University of Paris-Ouest, Nanterre)
Sejal Parmar (Assistant Professor, Department of Legal Studies, Central European University)
Renáta Uitz (Professor, Head of Legal Studies Department, Central European University)
Simon Rippon (Assistant Professor, School of Public Policy and Philosophy Department, Central European University)
- 11.45 – 13.15 Discussion Panel 2. Media freedoms: between the state, money and security
Moderator: Ellen Hume (Annenberg Fellow in Civic Media, Center for Media, Data and Society, School of Public Policy, Central European University)
Peter Noorlander (Chief Executive Officer, Media Legal Defence Initiative)
Tamás Bodoky (Editor-in-chief, atlatszo.hu)
Kate Coyer (Director of the Civil Society and Technology Project, Center for Media, Data and Society, School of Public Policy, Central European University)
- 14.15 -15.45 Discussion Panel 3. The role of religion(s): what place for Islam in Europe?
Moderator: Brett Wilson (Assistant Professor, Macalester College; Visiting Research Fellow, School of Public Policy, Central European University)
Akil Awan (Associate Professor, Royal Holloway, University of London)
Rüdiger Lohlker (Professor, Oriental Studies Department, University of Vienna)
Nasser Suleiman Gabryel (chargé d’enseignement, Ecoles des Hautes Etudes et Sciences Sociales)
- 15.45 Concluding Remarks – Lessons from Charlie? Marie-Pierre Granger & Hervé Ferrage (Director, Institut français de Budapest)
The event is held in English.
This event is financially supported by the CEU School of Public Policy, the Center for European Union Research, and the French Institute in Budapest. It is organized within the context of the research activities carried out under the EU-funded bEUcitizen project (FP7 Grant Agreement 320294)